Siamo reali, quante di noi stร  rivalutando la parola casa? Per alcuni รจ una nota positiva ma per altri l'estrema esperienza della crisi da virus ha messo a dura prova le coppie, che non si erano mai trovate di fronte a qualcosa del genere, costrette al 'sopravvivere' fianco a fianco 24 ore su 24....๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜
Grazie Tanito ;)
We are real, how many of us are re-evaluating the word home? For some it is a positive note but for others the extreme experience of the virus crisis has put a strain on couples, who had never faced anything like this, forced to 'survive' side by side 24 hours a day....๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜
Thank you Tanito ;)

EXCLUSIVE for Vanity - April -Tattoo fot woman-FAIRY TATTOO#JunaArtistic Tattoo

Open 15th April - Closed 5th May

This product contains:

- Tattoo for Classic Avatar and Tattoo Layers (Bakes On Mesh) in 4 tone (Dark 100%, Medium 75%, Light 50% and UltraLight 30%);

- Appliers Hud for mesh Body in 4 tone (Dark 100%, Medium 75%, Light 50% and UltraLight 30%) for:

• Omega system
• Legacy
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